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Deer Abatement Services | Central Ohio


Turf Damage, Erosion and Landscaping Woes

Deer can pose significant challenges for golf courses and public spaces, causing extensive turf damage. At Malone’s Geese & Deer Management Company, I specialize in deer damage control in central Ohio. These hoofed visitors graze heavily on grass, harming fairways, greens, and roughs. Their trails and movements can lead to soil erosion. Deer also browse on trees, shrubs, and landscaping, causing unsightly damage and adding major financial costs for repairs.

Deer Problems for Residential and Commercial Properties

Looking for deer removal services in Central Ohio? For private residences and commercial properties around Columbus, deer present a multitude of problems. They decimate gardens and plantings, carry tick-borne illnesses, and cause expensive damage. Their presence necessitates costly deterrent measures and creates a nuisance on the roads, leading to vehicle collisions. In some areas, overabundant deer disrupt the ecological balance. As a specialized provider, I offer expertise in effective and humane deer management in Columbus area.


At Malone’s Geese & Deer Management, I have years of experience providing effective deer abatement solutions throughout the Columbus area. My proven techniques get real results that property owners can see.

My clients routinely experience a measurable reduction in damage after I implement customized deer abatement plans. Whether it’s less torn-up turf, reduced browsing on landscaping, or fewer deer-vehicle collisions, I deliver results. My approaches don’t just provide temporary relief – they ensure long-lasting deer deterrence. Through habitat modification and other humane methods, I convince deer to leave your property and stay away.

The real measurement of my success is my happy, satisfied customers. I take pride in helping private residences, businesses, golf courses, and public spaces finally get their deer problems under control. My reputation is built on effective results.

Don’t let deer continue destroying your property. Trust a proven deer abatement expert to humanely mitigate the issues and get you lasting relief.